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Writer's pictureReginald Spann

Angel Numbers Are Anti-Christian Astrology, Sorcery, Fortunetelling, witchcraft, Divination

Have you heard of "angel numbers?" If you haven't, then we will explain to you what they are in this post.

If you have, then please don't be lured into thinking that angel numbers are associated with the angel of the Lord or Christianity. Angel numbers are as far from the Lord as East is from West.

The Angel numbers crowd are of the rebellious angels crowd. They and their followers either fell from heaven's grace and landed in hell's torment or will be there, for eternity, if the do not repent.

This angel numbers clan consists of pagans, spiritual mediums, psychic astrologers, aura readers, palm readers, crytall ball readers, sorcerers, witches, wizards and mystics.

They appear to be angels of light, but are of the powers of spiritual darkness.

Their followers are spiritually blind humans, metaphorical sheep who do not graze in the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ's pasture.

If you believe in angel numbers, then renounce them and embrace born-again Christianity.

According to New Age mystics, fortunetellers, spritualists and numerology enthusiasts, angel numbers are repeating sets of numbers that you tend to see, a lot.

“Angels speak to us in synchronistic ways, which basically means that we will see something over and over again, so much so that it goes beyond mere coincidence,” according to self-proclaimed celebrity aura reader, psychic medium, and spirit guide Megan Michaela Firester (Mystic Michaela).

“One of these ways is through numbers,” she adds.

“Seeing a repeating number is like your angel pointing to you and making you feel seen and heard,” says Firester. “They are trying to get your attention, and the numbers they send have meanings. Think of it like alittle marker saying that you are on the right path in life, like a highway sign.”

The consistent sightings and noticings of these numbers, on the highways of life, are claimed to be spiritually significant, by the fallen angel numbers crowd, because the number sequences convey secret messages that "the universe" believes humans need to hear.

You are to believe that your guardian angel is showing you these numbers, and that the numbers have special meanings, depending on the numbers seen.

New Agers believe, teach and preach, that if you consistently see the numbers 444, 111, 333, 222, 777, for example, then you are seeing angel numbers. They want you to look up their reference books and websites for the numerology meaning, and believe in their message.

For instance, you might wake up and see 4:44 on your clock, then continue to see it after that almost daily. It could show up on your TV, a bill of receipt, a billboard, as part of a telephone number or anywhere else numbers can be viewed.

Then, you are supposed to view the meaning and get guidance from God.

Unfortunately, celebrities, people who millions of people admire, mimic and let guide them, are among the biggest believers in angel numbers.

The Bible warns us to stay away from people with "familiar spirits."

Don't get caught up into believing angel number philosophy represents Christianity. It does not, beloved. It is pure divination.

Instead believe in the divine Gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God found in the Bible.



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