Live in the spirit of being thankful to God for what you have every second, minute, hour of the day.
You may not like where you are with right now. You may not have a big house. You many not drive a great big SUV.
You may be catching the bus in 100 degree heat or almost below zero temperatures, but you can still hold your head up and give God the glory and the praise that He always deserves beloved.
You are not alone. People have done what you are doing before you and will do it after you. People are doing it while you are doing it.
Be thankful for what you have.
Almighty God did not have to create you. He did not have to offer you eternal life. He did not have to send His only begotten son in whom He is well pleased to sacrifice His life on the cross in order to save us from our sinning selves.
He arose on the third day just like He promised. God fulfills all of His promises. He is just that faithful.
He did not have to conquer death for us beloved. He did it because He so loves the world.
Give God thanks and praise right now.
Do not wait until you find a good helpmate, a job that you like, a house, a car, quiet spot where you can be alone. Do not wait until you get some sleep, or until you get some energy.
Thank Him when you are tired, weak, fed up and ready to give up.
Ask Him to renew your strength and watch it mount up like eagle's flying toward heaven.
In these times we should live our lives being thankful for what we have instead of lamenting over what we do not have.
Just remember this beloved: The pillow might temporarily be cooler on the other side but it soon feels like the other side that you just flipped from.
Thank the Lord in difficult times and in times of prosperity, in riches and in poverty.
If you are not in love with your situation, your circumstance, your happenstance, whatever you want to call it, then fall on your knees and talk to God about it.
Tell Him the desires of your heart and He will guide you down that path to overcoming what it is that ails you - one way or another Jesus will work it out if you let Him.
If you want a sweet sweet, spirit brewing in your place, and you know that it is the spirit of the Lord, then this is what you do:
Be thankful for what you have.
Never stop thanking the Lord. Show him your gratitude no matter what comes your way.
The Lord has provided us with our needs, our daily bread, he has performed miracles for some of us. He has given us a job that we thought we could never do, but we did it and did it well.
He gave someone who is reading this right now a job that came when you were down and out, at or almost at rock bottom.
You pleaded to God and he performed a miracle. Tell somebody what God did for you.
Thank the Lord often, not only in your prayers or on Thanksgiving Day beloved.
At all times. Thank and Praise ye the Lord!