Black sheep standing amongst flock of white sheep. Breed is unknown. Sheep are the most widely distributed domestic animal around the world. There are more than 200 breeds and they are raised for their wool, meat and milk.
Yes, Jesus Christ was a misfit and a black sheep.
Might sound crazy what I'm about to say. But Christians should be misfits and black sheep in the world today. It should not hurt you, if you are a Christian, to be a misfit or a black sheep.
First of all, "What is a misfit?" "What is a black sheep?"
Let us explain.
By definition, a worldly misfit is a social misfit: a person who is poorly adapted to a situation or environment. A person who just can't seem to fit in, no matter how hard they try.
If all of your friends are great dancers, but you are awkward and uncoordinated with no sense of rhythm, you might feel like a misfit.
Christians dance to a different drum, a different beat, a different rhythm and a different sound.
We dance to the word, sound and power in Jesus name.
The Christian definition of A misfit is a person who is not easily accepted by other people, often because their behavior is very different from that of everyone else.
A black sheep is a member of a group who is different from the rest, especially a family member who does not fit in. The term stems from sheep whose fleece is colored black rather than the more common white; these sheep stand out in the flock.
Jesus did not fit into either Roman Empire society or with his earthly family, nor with the chief priests, scribes and elders of the Jewish synagogues in and around Jerusalem.
His family actually thought he was crazy at one point, and tried snatching Him up away from the adoring masses who followed Him around. (Mark 3:20)
The Jewish leaders called Him a devil worshiper, a blasphemer and tried to stone Him to death, multiple times, before they got false witnesses to lie on Him in a mock trial under the cover of midnight, before they led Him to the Romans to be crucified.
You will not likely be crucified on a wooden cross, like Jesus, beloved. I say, likely, because, "Who knows what the triumphs over the Great Tribulation will bring?"
Only Almighty Jesus Christ.
So do not concern yourself with being a misfit in a world controlled by the powers of the enemy of Christ. We do not belong with them.
We should be different, standing on laurels that surround us with the halo of the holy God.
Long live the Gospel of Jesus Christ.