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Christian Memoirs, Narration: What Is It Really Like for U.S. Christians Post-Pandemic?

Yohannis Selassie

In general, post-pandemic, and before then, being a Christian in the United States is, was and always will be a blessing from Jesus.

Later, in this series, we will present individual cases of the American Christian experience.

In this edition, please understand, to my international readers, that we have some of the world's most-gifted preachers, pastors, bishops, writers, ministers and teachers, who are truly anointed with the Holy Spirit.

Although Christianity did not originate in America, we have a plethora of people who spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as an art form. They also know how to help motivate you, make you laugh, make you cry, shepherd you towards God's living waters and make you love Jesus.

They are at the right hand of God, inspired by the Almighty, true Christians and the elect of God.

On the left hand, unfortunately, U.S. Christians have a plethora of false prophets, Prosperity Gospel preachers, tumultuous televangelists and fake apostles to deal with.

The people of this crowd take unrighteous advantage of Christianity's big, big business side.

These heartless, spiritual criminals follow the heart of the almighty dollar, instead of following Almighty God's word in the Holy Scriptures.

The Holy Bible has long been reported as the world's most-sold book, according to several best-seller lists.

Some people treat Jesus like a product to be sold. So much so that the U.S. is, arguably, the world's main home of false prophets.

Christianity can also be met with ill will from fellow Americans, who disapprove of us. But we realize that "all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Thank God that the U.S. Constitution has amendments purposed to guarantee American citizens the freedoms of religion, expression, speech, assembly, and the right to redress our government.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

There exists an innate mechanism for the separation of Church and State, or government, in the U.S.

The First Amendment has two provisions concerning religion: the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause.

The Establishment Clause forbids the government from making any laws "respecting an establishment of religion."

While the definition of "establishing" can be murky, the EC essentially means that the government does not have the right to establish state-sponsored churches, such as the Church of England.

The Free Exercise Clause allows for the free exercise of religion.

While there is freedom of religion, those rights were restricted during the COVID pandemic, for many.

Yet, the clauses passed the legal test for churches that sued for the right to hold services despite mandates forbidding congregations to assemble, under the guise of public health and safety.

Christianity versus anti-Christianity, in the U.S., then proved to be divided among political lines.

While traditionally conservative cities generally allowed churches to assemble during the pandemic, there were mandates for churches not to hold services in traditionally liberal cities.

Speaking of liberal, the very liberal Roman Catholic Church has a huge presence, of course, all over the world, and the U.S. is no exception.

Yet many U.S. Christians , Protestants, have generally not regarded the RCC as an orthodox religion.

So there is that situation to consider in America: The RCC and Protestants.

There is an interfaith push, led by Rome, that many Christians are resisting. This is a situation to keep an eye on:

Switching gears, while the situation has gotten a lot better, the overwhelming majority of American churches are still segregated along so-called racial lines.

There have been murderous, white supremacist attacks perpetrated against African American congregations, churches and institutions since Blacks began establishing independent denominations in the 1700s.

Today's mega-churches are largely places where all so-called races can worship together.

While the message of the preachers depends on the congregation's needs, to a large extent, the main thing is the main thing:

The Gospel of Jesus Christ.

If you are not getting what you need, spiritually, out of your church, in the U.S., then you have many others to choose from.

Again, all things work together for the good for those who love the Lord. And while individual freedoms are dwindling, the U.S. is still, for now, one of the world's religious freedom-friendly nations.

Christians in America want to keep it that way.

May God bless America.

Long live the U.S. and the Gospel of Jesus Christ!



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