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Writer's pictureReginald Spann

Do You Remember The Time When You Fell In Love With The Lord? How Santa Claus Affects Faith In God

Belief in Santa Claus can definitely affect your belief in God. Even for children who were raised in Church.

How so? We will explain. Stay with this post and read it through.

Do you remember the time?

Michael Jackson was a Jehovah witness. He used to sing "Do you remember the time, when we fell in love."

Do you remember the time when you fell in love with the Lord?

The time when the Lord fell in love with you was before you were born.

Ask Jeremiah. The Lord called Him to be a prophet before he was conceived.

Jesus had a mission to die for the sins of the world as a one-time sacrifice, and to be resurrected, to grant the gift of eternal life to whosoever believes in Him, before He was born of a virgin that was His calling.

Isaiah told us what was up with Jesus. Didn't he? Who do you think told Isaiah? you already know who. Don't you?

Tell me who. Better yet, let me tell you. It was the Lord God Jehovah, JAH, as the Holy Scriptures refers to him.

If you said Santa Claus, then "bah humbug" on you.

I fell in love with the Lord when I was 19-years-old. I was raised in church, but I did not realize exactly what I was doing when I used to say Easther poems at church.

It takes a lot to remember those poems. Some kids cannot do it.

It was peer pressure, for us, to learn the poems because you did not want to be the one who did not remember your Easter poem.

Those poems were ways of training the youth in church to become grownup Christians. Train up a child in the way he should go and when he gets old, he wiill not depart from it.

What about the part in the middle? From childhood to old age? There is teenage, legal age, young adulthood.

That is the time when a lot of people fall out of love with their parents, their parents friends, associates and fellowships, the Church.

That is what happens to a lot of teenagers. Why? Because they are besieged by the enemy who encourages them to rethink what they have been taught.

They no longer believe in Santa Clause, who was their God from birth. Their parent or parents took them to take pictures, sit on his lap, as babies weeks old. They were taught that Santa Claus is coming tonight, so you better be sleep.

Public schools, private schools, day care through elementary, Santa Claus is bigger than God.

And if they no longer believe in Santa, then who is God to them?

The schools cannot teach Jesus, the Bible or Christianity. But they can teach climate change, homosexuality and Santa.

When did God tell us the climate was going to change to the point of melting glaciers? I digress somewhat on purpose to bring you to this purpose.

Remember the time when you fell in love with the Lord. And if you have never fallen in love with the Lord, then fall in love with Jesus.

He will never leave you. He will be with you through the hard times. He will be with you in the good times. He will help you overcome every obstacle in your life.

He will work miracles in your life, according to his will.

Remember the Lord when you wake up. Remember the Lord when you brush your teeth. Remember the Lord when you take a shower. Remember the Lord, when you leave the house to go to work. Rmember Jesus when you arrive at work. Remember the Lord when you turn your computer on. When you go to lunch. When you come back. When you leave work, get home, do what you do, get ready for bed, when you get in bed and when you wake back up.



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