Henry Kissinger and then-United States President Richard Nixon in an undated photo. Kissinger was National Security Advisor and Secretary of State in Nixon's administration (1969-1974). Nixon oversaw several life-changing historical global events such as the Vietnam War and normalization with Communist China.
During a toast at the Hall of Beijing on February 25, 1972, the 3t7th President of the United States Richard M. Nixon called for a New World Order - just like former President George H.W. Bush did some 18 years later. The New World Order buzz phrase superseded the buzzword "collectivism" that was used earlier in the last century by proponents of a single-world government system, most prominently by associates and members of the failed League of Nations and its successor the United Nations. Nixon was simply following in that collectivist tradition.
Many Christians believe that the "New World Order" is none other than the one-world government empire empowered by Satan that is prophesied to be formed in the years immediately preceding the return of Jesus Christ (Daniel 2).
The following is President Nixon's New World Order speech:
"The Great Wall is no longer a wall dividing China from the rest of the world, but is a reminder of the fact that there are many walls still existing in the world that divides nations and peoples.
The Great Wall is also a reminder that for almost a generation there has been a wall between the People's Republic of China and the United States of America. In these past four days, we have begun the long process of removing that wall between us.
We begin our talks recognizing that we have great differences. But we are determined that those differences not prevent us from living together in peace. You believe deeply in your system and we believe just as deeply in our system. It is not our common beliefs that have brought us together here, but our common interests and our common hopes.
The interest that each of us has to maintain our independence and the security of our peoples, and the hope that each of has to build a new world order in which nations and peoples with different systems and different values can live together in peace, respecting one another while disagreeing with one another, letting history rather than the battlefield be the judge of their different ideas."
[End of Nixon's speech]

Richard M. Nixon and founder of the People's Republic of China and leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Chairman Mao Zedong, in an undated photo.
In 2023 China is known as a leader in the new world order system, and Beijing is Moscow's closest ally. One of China's national symbols is famously a red dragon and Russia's is often represented by a bear. Both animals are vividly described in the Holy Bible as being part of an anti-Christian coalition bent on controlling the world before being uprooted by the return of Jesus Christ - just like the prophet Daniel wrote about.
Since the Nixon Administration, China has not only grown into a world power to rival the United States and Russia in technology, trade, manufacturing, finance, economics and on the battlefield. but in 2023 Beijing also became the leading broker of international peace detentes in March of this year by sealing a deal to squash the beef between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iran and Saudi Arabia supported opposites sided of the Yemen War that now seems to be ending after nearly a decade. and like one would expect from a leading nation in a one-world government system, China is at the forefront of the Yemen War peace negotiations.
Now, China is bent on bringing the Israelis and Palestinians to a similar rapprochement - a goal Beijing has publicly stated for years now. And recently China launched a publicity campaign designed to shine a spotlight on its diplomatic efforts to bring peace to the world.
While the U.S. and China are rivals in many areas, in at least one area they share a common cause: the New World Order.