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Holy Spirit Light My Fire: Is The Anointing Word Of God A Consuming Fire Burning In Your Bones?

Are you on fire for the Lord? If the Word of God does not light your fire, then you need to spend more time with it.

The Word of God and the Holy Spirit are associated with fire.

The prophet Elijah, through prayer, called down God's consuming fire on apostate King of Israel, son of Ahab, Ahaziah's soldiers. (2 Kings 1)

Elijah also called down consuming fire on the prophets of pagan god, Baal.

Usually water can put out fire. But the fire of the Lord consumed the water laid out by Baal's prophets on a pagan altar. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces: and worshiped the Lord God of Israel. (1 Kings 18:36-40)

The Holy Spirit appeared, to the 11 disciples, as cloven tongues of fire.

Acts 2

  1. And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

  2. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.

  3. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

  4. And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost...

What about Peter, who could not keep the Holy Spirit of fire within?

After the anointing of the holy spirit came in the form of tongues in the upper room. Where the 12 were huddled up, hiding out, shaken up amid fearsome enemies of the Lord.

Jesus was ascended. They felt all alone. Until the anointing came.

He ate at the table prepared for the 12 in the presence of their enemies. Yeah, though they walked through the valley of the shadow of death, in the aftermath of Jesus's crucifixion and resurrection, When the Jewish leaders wanted them all dead. Peter stood up in the presence of His enemies and preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The word of God was, in his heart like a burning fire shut up in the prophet Jeremiah's bones. (Jeremiah 20:9)

He tried to quit prophesying. But he just could not do it. The holy fire, the holy ghost, the Word of God lit Him up. He kept on going, kept on flowing with the fire inside of him, placed there by God since before Jeremiah was conceived. (Jer. 1:5)

Holy Fire.

What about Paul, aka Saul, who sought to kill them all. He became the boldest preacher of them all. Spreading the Gospel all over in Greece, what about Rome, what about Asia Minor?

Didn't God do it?

You got to say to yourself, Devil I'm sick of you. I'm absolutely done. Ain't no way, you going to beat me down, when I got God, fighting for me.

Your arms too short, to box with Jesus. He got uppercuts for your, He got a right cross, left hook to the horn. You fight me, you gotta fight God.

The consuming fire of the Lord, will light you up. Make you flee. You are a murderer from the beginning. You are a liar, from the start. Fire burn.

You know that it would be untrue

You know that I would be a liar

If I was to say to you

the Holy Spirit is not a consuming fire

C'mon Jesus light my fire

Try to set the night on fire.



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