WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 8: Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, arrives at the U.S Capitol for the first of two days of interviews before the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic. Fauci is expected to face questions about the origins of COVID-19, vaccine mandates, and how to prevent future pandemics. (Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images)
WASHINGTON (CC) - Dr. Anthony Fauci, 83, who identifies as a "humanist," has been under intense questioning while testifying behind closed doors before the House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this week. The Committee's Chair of the non-public hearing is Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio).
Many people who have come out in public as humanists have also admitted to being atheists, including people in prominent positions such as Harvard's and MIT's Humanist Chaplain, and ordained "Humanist Rabbi" named Greg Epstein.
Fauci accepted the 2021 Humanist of the Year award from the American Humanist Association: an organization whose motto, according to their website, is "Good without God."
There is no public record, that Christian Commander could locate that identifies Fauci as a self-declared atheist. But, accepting an award from an atheist organization could imply, for some people, that he is indeed an atheist.
An Italian-American, the medical doctor once identified as a Roman Catholic and attended Jesuit institutions such as Regis High School in New York and the College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts.
Mr. Fauci reportedly told legislators in Washington, this week, that the social distancing recommendations forced on Americans "sort of just appeared" - implying that they were likely not based on scientific data.
Fauci also testified that the lab leak hypothesis was not a conspiracy theory. The hypothesis suggested that COVID was released from a lab in Wuhan, China. People who postulated, or even mentioned the theory were vilified and labeled as "racist."
The possibility of the leak was not thoroughly investigated by the US government or the corporate media. In fact, the story was often ridiculed and suppressed, critics claim.
Fauci also claimed that his policies, including mandates may increase vaccine hesitancy, Congressman Wenstrup said in a written statement on Wednesday.
The committee is investigating whether government officials during the pandemic, especially Mr. Fauci, lobbied to suppress resistance to questions about whether or not the pandemic came about due to a lab leak from Wuhan.
Critics allege that he, and other high-ranking officials, advocated the theory of natural origin as a means to hide Communist China's role. China remains one of the US's major political antagonists.
Fauci became a politically polarizing figure during the pandemic.
He was maligned by those who opposed government overreach, church closures, lock downs, masking rules and vaccine mandates. But he was idolized by others.
Mr. Wenstrup does not appear to view Mr. Fauci as an idol.
"Dr. Fauci’s transcribed interview revealed systemic failures in our public health system and shed light on serious procedural concerns with our public health authority," Wenstrup wrote. Wenstrup is a physician with over 30 years experience.
The US Sun online reported in 2021 that, according to Interfaith Youth Core, in a 2003 interview with Science Magazine, Fauci spoke about his religious views.
“Broadly and generically, I am not a regular church-attender," Dr. Fauci said. "I have evolved into less a Roman Catholic religion person to someone who tries to keep a degree of spirituality about them. I look upon myself as a humanist. I have faith in the goodness of mankind.”
13 years later, Fauci elaborated on his humanist worldview on C-SPAN, saying that more than organized religion, he looked toward "the principles of humanity and goodness to mankind and doing the best that you can."
It is a fact, Christians have observed, that neither does he publicly endorse Jesus. Nor is there any record of him denouncing Christ. He did have this to say in 2021, according to the Sun.
"I think that there are a lot of things about organized religion that are unfortunate, and I tend to like to stay away from that and think more in terms of the principles that I learned from the Jesuits, from the Catholic religion, the principles that I run my life by. But the idea about the organization of religion is not something that I adhere to very much.”
Christians should be cautious and aware that Dr. Fauci, one of the leading men in the charge for the often controversial COVID-19 vaccine, does not identify with the sheepfold led by Jesus Christ.