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Writer's picture: Reginald SpannReginald Spann

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Messianic Jews, like pure Christians worship Jesus Christ as the Messiah, Lord God and Savior of the world plus all that.

Whereas traditional Jews do not accept Jesus as either holy or the Son of God. But Messianic Jews also observe traditional Jewish values without contradicting either faith in Christ or adherence to customs.

For these two Jewish "factions," Judaism as a religion comes from God’s covenant with Abraham described in the Bible's book of Genesis, plus the commandments given to Moses in the book of Leviticus.

Both groups observe the commandments, holy days, customs and culture of the ancient Hebrew Israelites.

Counter to customary Jews who do not adhere to the Holy Bible's New Testament, Messianic Jews adhere to both the Old and New Testaments.

Messianics follow the teachings of the Torah - the Bible's first five books - and also believe in Jesus Christ as the initiator of the New Testament, whereby the remission of sin comes via belief in His sacrificial crucifixion, death, burial and resurrection - and not through Atonement Days or animal sacrifice led by Jewish priests.

That is, Messianic Jews understand that salvation comes via Jesus Christ and not by observing Atonement days for the remission of sin—not the act of observing the Jewish Holy Days.

Messianic Jews keep Jesus as the Lord, priest, mediator, propitiation, King, creator and savior and forgiver of humankind's sins, all that, instead of counting on priests to atone for their sin.

Traditional Jews including Nicodemus, the 12 disciples, the virgin Mary, Paul, the 72 apostles and Early Church elders from Israel became Messianic Jews. That is, they were raised in the Jewish tradition and also expressed unwavering faith in Jesus Christ.

They combined Jewish customs with the first-hand knowledge that Jesus Christ is the messiah - the prophesied King of the Jews, King of Kings, Lord of Lords and Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Jesus the Messiah was born into the world as Almighty God manifested in the flesh, a Hebrew Israelite and a member of the Jewish tribe of Judah.

Messianic Jews define themselves as a part of Judaism and declare that any Jew who accepts the Messianic faith has not left Judaism for another religion.

Though Messianic Jews observe the Passover and other Jewish holidays, traditions and customs, many orthodox Jews and Jewish movements do not view them as legitimate.

In fact, deep animosity is felt towards Messianic Jews by orthodox rabbis. To them, Messianic Jews are viewed as a serious threat - particularly in Jerusalem and the United States.

If Jesus were alive today, traditional Jews could legally put Him on trial according to Old Testament law, find him guilty of blasphemy and sentence Him to death by stoning (Leviticus 24:10-23). Though this custom is rarely if ever followed any more.

Following the cross is a symbol of Christianity. Messianic Jews use a Menorah, a Star of David and a fish.

To customary Jews, there is no difference between Messianic Jews and Christianity.

So, what the leaders of the Messianic movement sell is viewed as absolutely of no value to the customary faction.

Proselytizing people to believe in Jesus is an absolute no-no, according to the self-righteous.

According to some Jewish leaders, there is no theological difference between what Messianics believes and what evangelical Christians believe.

That is, Messianics and Christians say exactly the same thing. The only differences are that Messianics use the name ‘Yeshua’ instead of Jesus.

There are an estimated 300,000 Messianic Jews in the world - 250,000 in the U.S. and exploding daily.



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