Is That the Sun I See?
Is that the sun I see?
When they said it'd be gray and misery
I count my blessings
Yes, it's the Son I see
Come through the clouds for me
I count my blessings
February skies stay dark
But Every day summer parks
I count my blessings
Through all the aches and pains
Nothing can drive me insane
I count my blessings
No devils can make me blue
For God is the Light and Truth
I count my blessings
January sun is rare
But God's love is in the air
I count my blessings
This is my story, my song
My hard times will not last that long
I count my blessings
Winter brings seasonal stress
But with my savior I'm blessed
count your blessings
©2023 Christian Commander, Seven Angels Sentinel
Contact: trurejjeenighthawk@att.net