You have got to be strong inside. You have to overcome your inner fears, the murmurings of people around you and your opposition.
This may sound daunting, but the Lord is with us and will help us overcome.
So be strong, and of good courage. Do not let go of the short rope.
The Lord knows that we are not perfect. He will provide for our daily needs.
Be strong!
The Holy Bible teaches us that we all have fallen short of the glory of God, and none of us whosoever lived are without sin, except for Jesus Christ. He forgives our sins and set the stipulations for our friendship with Him.
He will grant us, whatever we ask Him, according to His will. That includes helping our mental health, like a true and everlasting friend.
Be strong!
The Holy Bible calls Abraham "the friend of God." Why? Because He believed and obeyed the Lord.
Proverbs 18:24 says that there is "a friend that sticks closer than a brother."
That friend is one with God the Father, Jesus, who His enemies, the Pharisees, even called a friend to sinners. (Luke 7:34)
Jesus said we are His friends, those of us who live like He wants us to:
"You are My friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you." (John 15:14-15)
The hymn "What a Friend We Have in Jesus" was written in 1855 by a Christian preacher in Canada named Joseph Scriven. And it goes a little something like this:
What a friend we have in Jesus. All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry, everything to God in prayer.
If you're down and troubled, and you need some tender care. Nothing is going right. Keep calling on the Lord. He will be there to brighten your darkness nights.
remember that the enemy can only bother you with permission from Almighty God. Like Job.
Because we are kept by the Good Shepherd. He may allow tests, trials and tribulations in your life, but in the end, the blessings will far outweigh that which you may or may not have lost.
Just hold on, to the unchanging hand of Almighty God.
Call out his name. Yell to Him for help if you have to. Just to get it off your mind and off your chest, Jesus will see you through. His Holy Spirit will reach out to you, speak to you, inaudibly, to let you know that everything will be fine.
He promised to never forsake us. He is always with us. Closer than a brother, or any other friend.
Let's give God a real praise, right now. Take a minute or two to praise Him.
Let God hear you voice. Come back and finish reading the rest of this post.
Cheerful women giving each other high five at dance class. Dancers high fiving after dancing session in studio.
How many of you have overcome some situation in life, to be where you are right now? Let your testimony be heard. Someone, who you do not expect to listen, may be receptive to the message and come to Christ.
How does one come to Christ?
Say this prayer, or something similar:
"Lord, I need a friend, a helping hand and I want you to come into my life. I want to come to you, learn about your and be who you want your children to be."
Repent, beloved, believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and become a friend of God.