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What It Is: Anti-Christian Psychiatrist Dr. Sigmund Freud, Atheist, Darwinist & Cocaine Cowboy

Writer's picture: Reginald SpannReginald Spann

For over 100 years, he was thought of as the world’s greatest ever psychiatrist. Now, many of Dr. Sigmund Freud’s conclusions are considered to be delusional conjecture, pseudo-science unverifiable by so-called scientific research methods.

How did he gain so much credibility, honor, status and power in the mental health professions?

Maybe because some of his ideas were so radical that people believed he was birthing a golden brainchild in the then relatively new fields of psychology and psychiatry - a Godless branch of medicine and mental health.

Born in 1856 in the Austrian Empire’s territory now known as the Czech Republic, Freud graduated with a medical degree from the University of Vienna, Austria in 1881.

His parents were European-born Jews, but Freud disavowed the Jewish faith in his adulthood, instead preferring to practice atheism.

Perhaps he was a militant atheist because anti-Jewish sentiment was rampant in both Germany and Vienna. But throughout history many Christians and Jewish people have refused to renounce their faiths while facing persecution, torture and prison even unto death.

Freud and Darwinism

Dr. Freud did not renounce his faith in Englishman Charles Darwin’s delusional conspiracy theories about the “origin of species” and the “descent of man.”

Darwin was an Anti-Christian and a self-described agnostic who died implying humans had descended from apes over billions of years and were not created by Almighty God. The Holy Bible’s timeline from Creation to Final Judgment is 6,000 – 7,000 years.

Darwin’s pseudo-scientific theories implied mankind was unconsciously animalistic. Freud was influenced by Darwinism and eventually sought to pseudo-scientifically discover the workings of mankind’s “unconscious mind.”


Often out of his mind and intoxicated on potentially deadly cocaine in his early years of medical practice, Freud is well-documented to have both used and sponsored cocaine as a wonder drug. In 1884, he published his now infamous thesis titled Uber Coca. This 200-plus page document is an in-depth medical history & analysis of Freud’s self-experimentation and observations on cocaine’s active ingredients.

Believing the then-over-the-counter medication worked like a miracle for pain-relief, curing depression, alcoholism and drug addiction, Freud provided cocaine to his close friend Ernst von Fleischl-Marxow who suffered from chronic pain and a morphine addiction.

But Marxow became addicted to both cocaine and morphine and died at the age of 45. Freud supposedly did not stop his own use of cocaine until the mid-1890s.


Dr. Freud is credited with founding the psychoanalysis school of thought starting in the 1890’s. Back then, most psychoanalysts were physicians – stereotypical quiet, note-taking “shrinks” - who were not trained psychologists.

And psychologists typically had little formal training in Christianity’s effects on human behavior.

As an atheist and a trained medical doctor but not a trained psychologist, Freud felt his way around in the dark when it came to diagnosing human behavior.

He noticed that cocaine was effective in getting people to talk more and invited his patients to stretch out on his office couch, close their eyes and ramble on for hours, days, weeks, months or years about what ailed them.

Freud concluded that people ranted about things their conscious minds were unaware of – concepts repressed in their unconscious mind for various unverifiable reasons. His psychoanalysis was based largely on vulgar, close to pedophilia conspiracy theories about human behavior.

Many of his then-famous and widely accepted theories are now discredited, ridiculed and abandoned by modern critics and mental health professionals.


Today, Dr. Sigmund Freud and many other doctors of the cocaine as a wonder drug era may have been sued for medical malpractice and lost their license.

Freud was a well-documented atheist and Darwinist who totally ignored the role Almighty God and Christianity plays in human nature and behavior. Instead of following the scientific method of proposing a theory, experimenting in a controlled setting and verifying the results for reliability, Freud had his own way of practicing psychology as a psychiatrist.

Dr. Freud’s mildest critics claim he is one of the most overrated figures in the philosophy and mental health professions. Freud’s harshest critics believe he uttered pure balderdash under the influence of cocaine.

His supporters say he was a genius and the greatest mind psychiatry and psychology has ever produced. Psychologists now dominate the psychoanalysis school of thought rather than physicians.

Christianity-based psychology will hopefully become widely accepted among mental health professionals, patients and publications.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is widely accepted.

The LORD was crucified, died, was buried and arose on the third day and instructed His disciples to spread His good news all over the world. Accept Jesus Christ in your world as you learn more about human behavior under the Lord’s guidance.



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